So people may know this already but I used to design 90% of all of the Adidas Remix products.... even the collaborations.
The one collab that I enjoyed working on was the DAMANI, Congratulations Player Shoe. Damani is an up and coming artist out of Inglewood. He's not your typical west coast rapper. You won't hear too much about 6-4 impalas, khaki suits or even smacking people. He's kind of taking on the west coast LL Cool J.
So with his shoe came a limited edition UNDRCRWN T-shirt as well as one of the most inspiring 1 man marketing push I've seen in a minute. He produced a full length CONGRATULATION S PLAYER MIXTAPE, a commercial and a viral media campaign that he is doing now. These shoes are available in limited quantites across the country.
See here for more info on Damani.
I really don't need to explain anything. Download the mixtape and hear it from Damani himself.